A Player from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet Assembles a Team of Shiny Puppy

Based on the search results provided, a player from Pokémon Scarlet and Violet can indeed assemble a team of Shiny Pokémon, which are alternate color variations of regular Pokémon. The search results indicate that players have been creating teams consisting of dog-themed Pokémon, such as Growlithe, Arcanine, Greavard, and others, which span various types like Fire, Ghost, Dark, Fairy, and more.

While the search results do not explicitly mention a player assembling a team of Shiny dog Pokémon, it is possible for a player to do so. Shiny Pokémon are rare and can be encountered randomly in the wild or through specific methods like trading or breeding. A player could potentially catch or obtain Shiny versions of the dog-themed Pokémon mentioned in the search results to create a Shiny team.