How To Fix Auto App On An Android?

To fix issues with Android Auto, follow these steps based on the search results:

Clear Cache and Storage

  1. Open the Settings app on your Android device.
  2. Locate "Apps" or "Application Manager".
  3. Find and select the Android Auto app.
  4. Tap on 'Storage & cache'.
  5. Click 'Clear storage' and 'Clear cache'.

Update Android Auto and Device Software

  1. Ensure your Android OS is updated to the latest version.
  2. Open the Google Play Store.
  3. Search for "Android Auto."
  4. If an update is available, click the 'Update' button.

Check Android Auto App Settings

  1. Access the Settings app.
  2. Go to 'Connected devices', then 'Connection preferences'.
  3. Tap on 'Android Auto'.
  4. Verify that 'Start Android automatically' is set to 'Always.'
  5. Turn on 'Wireless Android Auto' if supported; otherwise, disable it.
  6. Confirm that 'Start Android Auto while locked' is enabled.
  7. Disable 'Add new cars to Android Auto' if planning to use only one vehicle consistently.

Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues

  1. Check if both your phone and car are compatible with Android Auto.
  2. Restart your phone and car's infotainment system.
  3. Replace your USB cable if necessary, ensuring compatibility with your phone and car.
  4. For aftermarket receivers, check the manufacturer's website for firmware updates.
  5. If connecting to a second car, forget previously connected cars in settings and attempt reconnection.

General Troubleshooting Steps

  1. Restart your Android phone.
  2. Check your phone's compatibility with Android Auto.
  3. Update your phone's software and apps, especially Android Auto.
  4. Clear your phone's cache and data related to Android Auto.
  5. Reset your car's infotainment system if needed.

Remember to consult your vehicle's user manual for specific instructions regarding Android Auto setup and configuration.