How To Fix Excel Resources Run Out Error On Windows?

To fix the "Excel ran out of resources while attempting to calculate one or more formulas" error, follow these steps:

  1. Check for errors in formulas:

    • Look for the exclamation mark on the cell with an incorrect formula.
    • Navigate to the error by clicking on the cell and choose one of the options given to suggest fixes or adjust the formula manually.
  2. Use Trace Error Feature:

    • In Excel, go to the Formula tab, select Error Checking, and click the Suggested Fix option to solve issues with formulas.
  3. Reduce number of processors used:

    • Go to File, Options, Formulas, and Advanced tab within Excel.
    • Navigate to the Formulas section and set the Number of Calculation Threads to 1.
  4. Run Compatibility Mode:

    • Click File then Info.
    • Select Check for Issues, and Check compatibility to check for compatibility issues with add-ins, macros, or features.
  5. Close unnecessary workbooks and clear unnecessary data:

    • Close all other workbooks and add-ins that you're not using.
    • Delete unnecessary sheets or remove rows of data beyond the scrollbar's range in the active workbook.
  6. 64-bit Office & RAM:

    • Ensure you're using the 64-bit version of Office.
    • If you're using 32-bit Office, reinstall to obtain the 64-bit version, which can use all the RAM installed on your computer.

For troubleshooting specific issues, also check for other potential issues such as corrupt files, add-ins, and compatibility with installed updates (use the search function in Excel to check for known error messages). If the problem persists, try repairing or reinstalling Excel if necessary.