How To Fix Not Sending Text Messages On iPhone?

To fix issues where your iPhone is not sending text messages, follow these troubleshooting steps based on the search results provided:

  1. Quit and restart the Messages app: Swipe up from the bottom of the screen and hold, then close the Messages app. Reopen it and try sending a message again.

  2. Check your network connection: Ensure your iPhone has a stable cellular or Wi-Fi connection. Disable Airplane mode if active.

  3. Verify iMessage and Send as SMS settings: Open the Settings app, navigate to Messages, and ensure that iMessage and Send as SMS are enabled.

  4. Update your device: Install any pending updates for your iPhone via Settings > General > Software Update.

  5. Restart your iPhone: Hold down the power button and swipe to power down. Turn your iPhone back on and try sending a message.

  6. Check the phone number: Confirm that you're texting the correct number.

  7. Try sending as a text message: If iMessage isn't working, try sending the message as a text message by tapping the exclamation point beside the failed message, then tap "Send as Text Message".

  8. Reset network settings: As a last resort, navigate to Settings > General > Reset > Reset Network Settings. Note that this will erase Wi-Fi passwords and other network settings.

If none of these steps resolve the issue, contact Apple Support or your network provider for further assistance.