Top Productivity Apps For iPad And iPhone On iOS?

Based on the search results, here are some top productivity apps for iPad and iPhone on iOS:

iPad Apps

  1. Microsoft 365 (includes Word, Excel, and PowerPoint).
  2. Notion - versatile note-taking and organization app.
  3. GoodNotes - popular note-taking app with digital ink support.
  4. Gmail - email by Google.
  5. Microsoft Lens - PDF scanner and OCR.
  6. Google Docs - for syncing, editing, and sharing documents.
  7. iMovie and GarageBand - for creative work.
  8. PCalc - advanced calculator app.
  9. Scanbot - for scanning and faxing documents.
  10. Forest: Focus for Productivity - for staying focused and managing distractions.

iPhone Apps

  1. Microsoft Copilot - productivity assistant.
  2. ChatGPT - AI-powered chatbot for assistance.
  3. Notability - note-taking app.
  4. Pythonista 3 - for coding on the go.

Please note that these apps are subject to change based on updates and user preferences. Always check the latest App Store listings for the most recent top productivity apps.