Why does my music keep pausing when my screen is off?

Your music pausing when your screen turns off could be due to several reasons, including battery optimization settings, system updates affecting app behavior, or specific app configurations. Here are some potential solutions based on the search results provided:

  1. Battery Optimization: Ensure that battery optimization is disabled for your music apps. On many Android devices, updating the operating system can reset battery optimizations, causing performance issues or interrupting playback when the app is backgrounded.

    • Go to Settings > Battery > More Options > Find the relevant music app(s), and ensure they are excluded from battery optimization restrictions.
  2. Disable Motion Controls: Some devices have motion controls that can pause music when the device is placed facedown. Check whether such a feature exists on your device and disable it if necessary.

  3. AD2P Bluetooth Hardware Offloading: For certain devices like Google Pixel 6 running Android 12, disabling AD2P Bluetooth hardware offloading in Developer Options might solve the issue.

  4. General Android Troubleshooting: Perform general troubleshooting steps for Android devices, such as clearing cache and data for the affected app, uninstalling and reinstalling the app, or rebooting the device.

If none of these solutions work, consider contacting support for your specific device manufacturer or the music app developer for further assistance.